Yesterday College Board announced that as of 2016 the SAT would be totally redesigned. For a long time people were being judged with scores that often time did not reflect how good of a learner the student truly is. David Coleman, the president College Board, said that both the SAT and ACT have "both become from the work of our high schools". Coleman goes on to say that "What this country needs is not more tests, but more opportunities."
Colman and the College Board team have completely redone the SAT test. More common and important words will be added to the Vocab section, and the math sections would be more narrowed in on certain topics that are crucial to the development of students.
College Board announced that only twenty percent of high school teachers believe that standardized testing is a fair measure of how prepared a student is for college and the rest of their futures. The changes in the SAT are designed to help change this. Also, the ACT has recently surpassed the SAT as the number one standardized test in America. These changes will hopefully help make a change to this as well.
Finally a company realizes what american students really need to become successful. Do you think these changes are beneficial? What else could a standardized test do to change into something that helps judge how prepared a student really is?